What is a University “policy”?
University Policies describe the exercise of authority delegated to the President by the Board. University Policies typically communicate the broad, strategic expectations of the President regarding the University’s affairs. University Policies must be consistent with Board Statements and Resolutions, and federal and state law. In any event where a University Policy is inconsistent with a Board Statement or Resolution, the Board Statement or Resolution shall prevail.
What distinguishes “policy” from “procedure”?
The distinctions commonly drawn between policy and procedures can be subtle. Nevertheless, there are common characteristics that discern policy from procedures.
a). Policy
- Governs institutional procedures
- Changes only through review process
b). Procedures
- Describes process
- Discretion to change at operational level
University Procedures, which likely work in concert with one or more University Policies, communicate the day-to-day steps or processes necessary for the effective and efficient accomplishment of University Policies. University Procedures must be consistent with Board Statements and Resolutions, University Policies, and other actions, as well as federal and state law. Where a University Procedure is inconsistent with a Board Statement, Resolution, University Policy or other Board action the Board Statement, Resolution, Policy, or action prevails.
Contact Us
General Councel
Churchill Hall 107
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone:(541) 552-8055